Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11, The Brevity of Life, and Your Health

Definition of a Flash Bulb Memory:

Flash Bulb Memories are highly detailed, exceptionally vivid 'snapshots' of the moment and circumstances in which surprising and consequential (or emotionally arousing) news was heard...Flashbulb memories are believed to be highly resistant to forgetting.

Today, on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, we are all remembering. We are remembering the devastating events that took place that fateful day. We are remembering the innocent and brave people that lost their lives. And all of us are remembering exactly where we were, what we were doing, and how we felt when the attacks happened. Very few memories are probably as vivid and powerful as those from 9/11. Why is that?

Flash Bulb Memories are characterized by their high level of consequentiality. We can all agree that on September 11, 2001 something profound happened that would change our country and the world, forever. The bedrock of our nation was shaken that day. The attacks on the World Trade Center have changed the way we live, the way we think, the way we spend, the way we attack, the way we defend, and the way we love. And all of that change...took minutes to take place.

It is these days that make us all realize, life is short. Also, sadly, that life can be taken from us in the blink of an eye. Understanding our own volatile mortality makes us take stock in our lives. We analyze what we have done, where we are now, and where we want to go. It is a humbling moment for all of when we reflect on the finite nature of life, but it is a powerful thought that can shape the future. Just as 9/11 shaped the future of our country.

For most of us days feel long, weeks feel longer, and a year seems like an unfathomable amount of time to pass. It is on days like these though that make us realize every second we are here is precious. But just realizing that life is fleeting and therefore precious, is not enough. We must all act on that feeling.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein

Today has brought something else to my attention. And that is, if we intend to live life to the fullest we must treat the vehicle that carries us through life with the utmost respect. I'm talking about the miracle that is the human body. I truly believe quality of life is directly related to quality of health.

Right now you might think your health is of high quality, just like on the morning of September 11th we thought that our lives were of high quality. 9/11 showed us all that we are only a blink of an eye away from disaster and radical change. The same thing applies to you and your health.

What is it going to take for you to start treating your body with the respect it deserves? Do you need a Flash Bulb Memory like a bad visit to the Dr.'s office, an injury, or a heart attack? I hope none of those things happen, but you should be prepared, and more importantly you should be proactive.

Are you taking the necessary steps to avoid a Flash Bulb Memory? You know when you go to the airport now, and the security process always seems to be painstakingly slow and overly tedious? Well that's called being prepared and proactive because none of us want another Flash Bulb Memory involving lost loved ones. So when you are faced with the choice of exercising or not, the chicken breast or the burger, the bottle of coke or the glass water, realize you might be one choice away from a Flash Bulb Memory.

Don't be scared, be prepared.

Don't be reactive, be proactive.

We will never forget.

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